Sunday, August 19, 2012



                      Who are you? What do you want?
              No!... Wait....,
   I don't wanna know.
   Stop!    Stop following me....
                                      Just go away!!!
               Walking as fast as I can--away 
               from danger.
      But that's not good enough.
            He keeps coming fast and faster...
                                          I pull out my knife,
            be he keeps approaching,
    faster and faster.... I run, he runs...
                                 So I run some more. I run,
    I run as quick as I possibly can...
                        He's getting closer and closer.
                                                  I almost give up.
But I tell myself to keep going and then i will 
                                                  be okay. He 
                                                  almost had me, 
                                                  but I outran 
 Shaking all over inside, I reach to safety, 
But mentally, no one knows but me....
                                                                                                                Adele L Kreitner
                                                                                    July 1998